Cement slab. Houses of a cement settlement in Kerch. “Some wise men complained to Ukraine”

In Crimea, preparation for the construction of a residential complex for residents of the city of Kerch whose houses are in sanitary protection zone of the Kerch bridge.

More than 80 families from eight dilapidated houses located on Cementnaya Slobodka Street will receive new apartments in the Nizhny Solnechny microdistrict.The administration of the city of Kerch allocated land plot for new construction. Geographically, it is located near the old housing, so there is no need to move to another area. Conducted cadastral work and negotiations with all companies supplying energy and water, with which the technical conditions of construction were agreed. The need to relocate the residents of Cementnaya Slobidka arose long ago.

The first section of the roadway slab is formed >>

The project of a new residential complex was discussed with future residents at a meeting with the head of Rosavtodor Roman Starovoit, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Oleg Kazurin and the head of the Kerch city administration Sergey Pisarev.

« Directly along the route of the bridge in Kerch there is not a single residential building. But there is such a thing - a sanitary zone. This is a special area with a special mode of use. It limits the impact of the transport facility on the environment and human health. Residential buildings are not allowed in this area.", - said Roman Starovoit.

To the sanitary zone of the bridge across the Kerch Strait6 residential buildings along Cementnaya Slobodka Street were hit. However, the leaders of the Kerch administration, together with the construction participants, assessed how the urban environment will be formed in this area after the completion of the work, and included 2 more nearby houses in the resettlement program.

Bridge builders shared their experience >>

« There are 78 apartments in the resettled houses. 34 of them are municipal apartments, 44 belong to the owners. Almost all residents agree to resettlement. They will move to beautiful high-rise buildings, which will be serviced at the same level as other houses in the center of Kerch, - said Oleg Kazurin. - Our services have already issued technical conditions for connecting communications, and in the near future the contractor must carry out design and survey work, submit the project for examination. After the project is released from the examination, construction and installation work will begin».

Settled houses are one- and two-story buildings of the 50s of the last century. These are economic and barracks complexes built for the military from the Kerch fortress. After the disbandment of the military unit, factory workers from the city were temporarily settled in the barracks, who were counting on improved living conditions. According to the decisions made in connection with the construction of the Kerch Bridge, the residents of dilapidated houses will move into 2 three-story apartment buildings in Nizhny Solnechny by the end of this year.

Piling work completed on the first section >>

« On the territory of the residential complex there will also be a children's playground, a sports ground, parking lots and other facilities necessary for a comfortable stay of people.”, - said the head of the project company Evgeny Afremov.

At the meeting on resettlement issues, the residents of Cementnaya Slobidka were able to ask any questions to representatives of the municipal and Crimean authorities, the builders of the bridge.

P.S. We follow that How is the construction of houses for the residents of Cementnaya Slobidka going?. As of January 23, 2017, work on the installation of the roof continues in one of the houses, in the second, finishing work has already begun. Soon, the residents of Kerch will finally receive the coveted keys to the long-awaited apartments.

Families living in the sanitary protection zone of the construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait will move into new apartments before the beginning of March this year, said the head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov.

"The deadline is February 25th. But I think they will finish earlier. Work is going on every day. All activities are coordinated with Rosavtodor, every day at least 170 people are at the construction site. Before March 1, people must move into new apartments", - he said. Aksyonov also assured that after putting the houses into operation, he would personally check the quality of housing built for the IDPs.

Six residential buildings were included in the sanitary protection zone for the construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait, and two more houses were included in the resettlement program at the request of local authorities. In total, we are talking about 78 apartments in which 83 families live. Settled houses are one- and two-story barrack-type buildings of the 1950s in the industrial zone of Kerch. These are economic and barracks complexes built for the Soviet military. Most do not have centralized heating and bathrooms. Previously, it was planned to start resettling people in new apartments in December 2016, but subsequently the deadlines for putting the houses into operation were postponed.

On March 17, 2017, finishing and interior work, the electrician is put in order, the territory is ennobled. Today, the Minister of Construction, Sergei Kononov, was expected to visit, but he never arrived.

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On the holiday of the Crimean Spring, many citizens gathered in the center of Kerch to celebrate this event. The residents of Cementnaya Sloboda had a different “holiday” that day: they gathered on their street to once again try to solve the problem. Nikolai Zotov, deputy head of the city administration, and Nikolai Dolgachev, head of the public council for the city, came to Cement Sloboda on a working visit. First of all, people want to understand the position of the city leadership related to the resettlement of people from all residential facilities from Cementnaya Slobidka who did not fall into the resettlement zone. They want to know if the city leadership supports them or not in this matter. Also, the townspeople raised the issue of revising the sanitary zone and recognizing their housing as emergency. For many times already residents from Cement Sloboda. But the answer was always the same, like a carbon copy: “There is no money in the budget for the resettlement of people from this site, because this housing did not fall into the sanitary zone.” Read: Local residents have even reached the executive committee, where they spoke about this within the framework of the meeting. But the situation as stood still, and continues to stand. According to residents from Cementnaya Slobidka Street, the city authorities are trying in every possible way to hush up their problems. “The administration is limited by legal possibilities. We do not see any legal mechanism how this problem can be solved today. The law does not yet provide for any loopholes to resolve this issue, but perhaps something can be resolved at the level of the republic's leadership,” Nikolai Zotov comments. It should be noted that all the houses that did not fall into the sanitary resettlement zone are former stables, the buildings are without foundations and were built before the revolution, today they are over 120 years old. Nikolai Dolgachev, who arrived on a visit, reassured the local residents a little and gave them a drop of hope. “The day before yesterday I met with the head of Crimea. He knows about your situation and deals with it. Sergei Valeryevich Aksenov has an understanding that this problem must be solved. The head of the republic wants to help you, but so far he cannot figure out how to do it from the point of view of the law,” said Nikolai Dolgachev. Today, the situation on Cementnaya Slobidka Street is still critical. The bridge is being built, heavy trucks are driving, and nearby houses are being destroyed. Local residents can only hope either for a revision of the sanitary zone for the construction of the Kerch bridge, or for the recognition of their housing as emergency. Now 23 families from this street have only one goal - to move away from the construction site and live a quiet life.

Valentina and Natalia

66 families are subject to resettlement. People are worried: the demolition is scheduled for September-October of this year, but no new housing has been built for them.

"We will ask ourselves"

“I’ve been working for four years, but I’m going to the suburb for the first time,” taxi driver Sergey checks the route with the dispatcher by phone. - Is it off the beaten path? Okay, I kinda figured it out.

The cement settlement is really on the outskirts - a couple of kilometers from the main residential area of ​​​​Kerch. Two two-story houses of Stalinist construction and a dozen rickety barracks. Nearby, the “construction of the century” rumbles: KamAZ trucks loaded with sand scurry about, piles are driven in huge piles higher than houses, workers shout over each other.

There is no activity on the street itself. Behind the fence of a one-story house I hear shuffling steps. I'm knocking. The gate is opened by an elderly woman in a headscarf. Nadezhda Mikhailovna has been living here since 1960. Hearing that I am a journalist, he calls me into the house.

“I don’t know when they will be resettled. And where we will live - they do not say. They don't answer and that's it. Guess what they do? she mutters as we pass through the threshold.

House of Nadezhda Mikhailovna built in 1945. Since then, it has never been repaired.

“You can’t live here, of course,” she says. - There are no amenities, the walls are crumbling, the wiring has not been changed for 71 years.

In the only room with swollen walls sits the daughter of Nadezhda Mikhailovna, Valentina. Watching TV. Because of the noise from the construction site, we have to turn it on so loudly that at first the woman does not hear us entering. Then, noticing me, he gets up frightened from the sofa and asks: “Mom, what happened?”

“They came to see our apartment,” says Nadezhda Mikhailovna.

“Ahhh,” Valentina drawls. Are you from the builders? When will we be settled?

Having learned that it was not from the builders, Valentina does not hide her disappointment.

“We're just completely unaware,” she says. - What to prepare for? In January we had a meeting, Kirichenko came from the city executive committee ( deputy head of the city administration.I. Zh.). He said that we would be resettled by this autumn in Nizhny Solnechny, a microdistrict in Kerch.

“They said, and they don’t do anything,” Nadezhda Mikhailovna intervenes.

- Well, yes. There were houses to be built. Whether they are built or not, we do not know.

- Then the rumor spread that it was no longer in new houses, but in the secondary housing.

Are there empty apartments? I'm interested.

“They don't tell us anything. Officials don’t come here anymore,” says Valentina.

- Here Putin will speak on the 14th ( meaning "Direct Line with Vladimir Putin". — I. Zh.). We will ask him where and when we will be settled, - Nadezhda Mikhailovna looks out the window.

“If they send you to a hostel, there will be a war”

Natalia Mezhiba has been living on Cementnaya Slobidka Street since the 80s. She is a housewife, but not in the classical sense of the word: her household consists of two cows, a bull, calves and ten hens. From them she receives income: she sells milk, cottage cheese and eggs. It comes out to 12,000-13,000 rubles a month.

“Of course, I want to get a new apartment,” she says. - There are frankly no houses in our suburb, and even this construction site - the walls are shaking. But then I think, where to put the cattle? You can't take him to an apartment. Most of all, Natalya is worried about the unknown.

- At first they said that they would be resettled by the autumn. Now there are rumors that we will live here this winter. Officially, no one communicates with us anymore. But I need to get ready, I need to know whether to store hay for livestock or not? Buy firewood - we have stove heating - or not?

Natalya's neighbor, Valentina, joins the conversation.

“At first I didn’t want to move. Only two years ago they started the repair, put in a new bathroom, and then ... But now I already want to, of course, if everything goes like they did ( officials.I. Zh.) promise: new houses, 15 square meters per person according to social norms.

Valentina and her husband are counting on 40 square meters: 30 according to social norms and 10 more in the city administration promised to give out from above “for the family”.

“Here, however, completely different information has gone,” Natalya doubts. - What if by the time of the demolition they don’t build housing for us, then they will be moved to the hostels of the Kerch shipbuilding plant. Apparently temporarily. This is something we do not agree on. If they send us to hostels, there will be war.

— Where do the rumors about the hostel come from? I ask.

- From the two-story buildings, people went to the city hall, they seemed to be told so.

“You see, we don’t really trust officials here,” says Valentina. - When Yanukovych ran for president in 2003 and came to Kerch, we wanted to tell him about our problem: even then our houses were dilapidated, the floors were falling through. They were waiting for him. But what did the local government do? Blocked the way to us with concrete blocks. And Yanukovych was told that no one lives here anymore.

“Some wise men complained to Ukraine”

A blue ZAZ is parked in the courtyard of a two-story Stalinka. The driver introduces himself as Alexander.

“I don’t really want to leave here. I have here a two-room apartment with high ceilings, renovated. To the sea 100 meters. And so far, there are only promises with new housing: either these houses have been mortgaged, or not.

— Who are you talking to? A woman in a green jacket comes up to the car. Looks at Alexander with reproach.

- Yes, here is a journalist from Moscow.

“We won’t tell you anything,” the woman turns to me. - What's the point of raising a storm? Here, some wise men have already complained to Ukraine. A film crew came and asked questions. They also introduced themselves from Russia. And they were from Ukraine. Then on all Ukrainian channels they showed how badly we live here. And then collect the trouble ...

- What kind of trouble?

We won't say anything. Sasha, let's go home.

Two women are drinking tea at the neighboring “Stalinka”. One introduces herself as Tatyana, the other immediately dismisses the conversation.

“Our problem is that there are no activists, no one goes to the mayor's office, no one is interested in when there will be housing,” says Tatyana. “People live in anticipation. This is what worries me: Kirichenko said that they would demolish us in the fall. And the houses on Nizhny Solnechny have not yet been laid down. But after all, it cannot be that they will demolish us, but they won’t provide us with houses?

Will Moscow decide?

The issue of resettlement of Cement Sloboda in the administration of Kerch is supervised by Deputy Mayor Roman Kirichenko. The press service of the administration told Novaya Gazeta that he rarely visits the workplace - he is constantly on the road. They promised to contact him. However, they failed to do so within two weeks.

He made his last official statement about the problems of migrants at a meeting with residents in July last year. Kirichenko's speech was filmed.

“How your problem will be solved will be decided at the federal level. You may be eligible for a federal program as emergency housing resettlers. There may be some other options. Only one thing can be said unequivocally: there will be demolition, there will be a bridge, Crimea does not provide for itself. I really want those people who live in the immediate vicinity of the construction site to be resettled immediately. But understand: the housing that is in the city fund today is simply unsuitable for living. And to build a house, you need money. And it's not all up to us."

Later, in November 2015, in an interview with local media, Kirichenko said that the Kerch administration had received a “road map” from the Council of Ministers of Crimea to solve the problem of Cement Sloboda. “If people have privatized housing, then they will get another “meter by meter”, and if not privatized, then according to social norms: if a person lived alone in a three-room apartment, then he can only count on a one-room apartment,” the deputy mayor said. - Demolition of housing on Cement Sloboda will be in September-October 2016. By this time, new houses should already be built.

I went to the Nizhny Solnechny microdistrict, where housing for migrants is to be built. Grass still grows on the site of the promised houses...

Every city that develops is regularly rebuilt and forced to make a choice between historical buildings and new projects. Often new construction covers an area already inhabited by people. In such cases, the owners of the plots at the site of the future construction are agreed to provide them with other housing in other areas or monetary compensation for resettlement. There are cases when private global construction projects were broken by pride and unwillingness to change their place in the life of ordinary people. Due to the small unpurchased plot, plans to build large-scale shopping centers were frustrated. However, when it comes to state construction, other rules work. Residents from the necessary territories are evicted without fail (compensation, of course, is issued to every forced migrant). A similar situation is developing at the construction site of the Kerch bridge.

If from the side of mainland Russia the bridge enters uninhabited territory, then from the side of Crimea, construction is being carried out very close to the center of the city of Kerch. According to sanitary standards, there should be no residential buildings for almost 300 meters around the future bridge. Therefore, residents of the small area of ​​Cementnaya Slobidka will be relocated from their current housing. As soon as they decided on the place where the Kerch bridge would land on the Crimean land and the information about the sanitary zone was made public, the residents of the houses adjacent to this territory became keenly interested in their fate. Officials regularly meet with citizens whose housing will be subject to demolition, promising to resolve all issues with resettlement.

Since the beginning of the construction of the Kerch bridge on the coast of the strait, all residents of Kerch have felt certain inconveniences. This is an increase in the traffic of trucks and construction vehicles, the sound of construction work. What can we say about those who today live in close proximity to the work site. A quick move to new housing will help to partially reduce the negative impact of construction on the life of migrants from Kerch.

Head of the Federal Road Agency Roman Starovoit and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Oleg Kazurin at a meeting with Kerch residents spoke about the construction of houses for residents of Cementnaya Sloboda. New housing will be built in the Nizhny Solnechny area, it is planned to build two houses with three floors. 78 apartments were allocated for IDPs. The housewarming party is scheduled to take place on November 1, 2016.

Despite the generally accepted practice of paying extra for larger apartment footage, Sergey Aksyonov promised that IDPs would not have to pay out of their own pockets. These expenses will be covered by the reserve fund. New housing will be handed over with an economy class finish apartment renovation. That is, linoleum will be laid in the premises, wallpaper will be installed on the walls, doors, plumbing, gas boilers will be installed.

The head of the Federal Road Agency Roman Starovoit, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Oleg Kazurin, the head of the contractor building the bridge, the contractor who will build houses for migrants, as well as the head of the administration of Kerch Sergey Pisarev and his deputies met with the people of Kerch.

The developer assured those present that the deadlines were more than realistic. At the peak of construction, 80 people will work at the facility. The site has been allocated, the technical conditions for connecting communications have been issued, the project is under examination. Fifteen days to check the estimated cost.

The old microdistrict of Kerch, Cement Slobidka, or rather several residential buildings on the street of the same name on the southern outskirts of the city, is destined to become the first victim of the “construction of the century”. Slobodka fell into the so-called sanitary protection zone (SPZ) of the Kerch bridge. Her houses are going to be demolished over time, and all the residents there will be relocated. The latter circumstance, I dare to assume, explains the adjustment in the timing of the start of construction of the Tavrida highway, which in 2018 should connect Kerch with Sevastopol.

On February 22, at the solemn opening of a memorial stone at the site of future auto-approaches to the bridge under the Cement Sloboda, the “head of the republic” Sergey Aksenov did not talk about the reasons themselves. At least if you rely on local media reports; simply said without explanation, "Construction will start in March." However, some residents of the Cement Sloboda itself found their own explanation.

The authorities promised to move us back in October, then by the new year, now they say: wait for the housewarming by March 8

“The authorities promised to resettle us back in October (2016 - KR), then - by the new year, now they say: wait for the housewarming by March 8, ”one of the residents of the settlement shared the“ latest ”information Elena Igorevna. “Now we are looking forward to it. It will be a big celebration for me and others.”

One can only assume that if, nevertheless, engineering equipment for laying auto-approaches to the bridge comes out earlier than the planned housewarming, then 87 families of Cement Slobidka will experience tangible inconvenience. After all, the auto-approaches under construction for a length of 8.6 kilometers - from the transport crossing across the strait to the four-lane "Tavrida" bypassing the city center - will simply cut off their only road home. And also, most likely, engineering communications remaining on the outskirts. This is probably why these days two three-story buildings for migrants in the new Nizhny Solnechny microdistrict are in a real emergency.

As for the front of the upcoming work on the approaches to the bridge, it is already clearly marked on the ground by the alignment done by the graders.

And a roadside information board.

And also - markings and columns at the foot of a small hill, on which most of the residential and utility buildings of Cement Sloboda are directly “deployed”.

The use of military terminology in this context is quite appropriate. After all, in postwar period Until the end of the 60s of the last century, an army construction battalion was stationed in this area, in the immediate vicinity of the Small Fortress (hence, as they say, the "cement" name). And all apartment buildings within the current CVD - this is the former, headquarters, soldiers' canteen, barracks and two DOS (houses of officers - KR).

This was told to me by the indigenous "cement worker" Alexander. An apartment in the then military town was also received by his father, senior midshipman of the Black Sea Fleet. In the early 90s, a man and his family moved out of here, having received new housing in another microdistrict of Kerch. But all the same, he continues to visit the settlement every day - in the abandoned barn he has four goats and almost a dozen hens. The man is not particularly happy about the upcoming demolition of Cement Sloboda.

“Here, probably, is the best place in all of Crimea,” Alexander states, “there is such nature, but it is simply destroyed. It is good that they are building a bridge, but it would be better if they did it somewhere else. Here, two houses are being built for our displaced people - there is already a third or fourth contractor. This is not serious. Some do not want to go there, but they simply have no choice. And here the blackouts have already begun.

Alexander, recalling his childhood in Cementnaya Slobidka, said that he often climbed the Small Fortress in search of "melchior bullets" (bullets in cupronickel shell of the period of the First World War - KR). Interestingly, in the spring of 1996, when large-scale demining of the Small Fortress began, densely stuffed with Soviet and German ammunition of all types and calibers (in 1941-1943, both sides twice recaptured the Small Fortress and placed their arsenals there) by sappers of the 32 Army Corps Ukrainian army, then it was the bullets in cupronickel sheath that were considered the most valuable find. By the way, they were instantly taken apart for souvenirs, including journalists covering the event.

It seems that weapons-grade non-ferrous metal and other military rarities are still in demand. And the ruins of the old fortress in the neighborhood of Cement Sloboda again attract local "black archaeologists".

Fresh traces of their searches are proof of that.

One of these "archaeologists" accidentally found sleeping under the ramparts right with the tools of illegal fishing.

The rest of the residents of Kerch make their way on their own two feet or in their own vehicles to the outskirts of Cementnaya Sloboda on a different, decent, occasion. Behind the plantings of prickly acacia, cherry plum and elm, which encircle the settlement from the southern, seaside side, an impromptu observation deck was formed.

It offers the best view of the Kerch Strait and the bridge under construction.

The "cement" house No. 46 closest to the observation deck on the shore of the strait. In the courtyard of the house, no preparations are yet visible for the upcoming big "movement of peoples."

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